dimanche, novembre 05, 2006

Sauce oignons-champignons sur pâtes

Cut mushrooms of different types.
Cut an onion and start to fry it slowly. Put the mushrooms in another pan.
Start boiling the water for the pasta.

Prepare the sauce in a bowl: mix milk, crême fraîche, cornflower, white wine, a bit of curry, salt, pepper.
Pour in a pot and start cooking.

Add a tomato in the onions and some white wine in the mushrooms and in the onions.

Add the pasta in the boiling water.

When there is not much water left with the mushrooms, pour them in the onions' pan. Add a little more white wine. Once disappeared, pour everything in the sauce which in the meanwhile must have thickened a little bit. Add some herbs.
Add bacon bits (lardons) in the pan where the onions used to be.
Once they are cooked, add them to the sauce.


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