jeudi, octobre 26, 2006

Risotto aux poivrons

Easy meal to do, most of it is just waiting around in the kitchen. Total price should be around £2.

Put some butter in pan with a little oil and had an onion in bits in it. Small fire, cover the pan and let it wait.
In another big pan do the same.

Cut 2 peppers, 2 tomatoes, 2 sausages

When the onions are ready, put rice in the big pan and mix well so the rice drinks the oily liquids. When there is none left and the rice looks kind of transparent, add some white wine. When it has disappeared, add progressively 2 and 1/2 the volume of rice in water (for three people we had 1 and 1/2 cup of rice, so 3 and 3/4 cups of water). Add spices. When the water has disppeared it will be ready. Raise a bit the fire.

In the meanwhile put the tomatoes, peppers, saussages in the other smaller pan and raise the fire a bit.

When the vegetable are cooked, add them in the rice pan. Mix, wait for the water to disappear if there was any left.


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