samedi, septembre 30, 2006

Sauce au bleu sur pâtes, poivrons verts et tomates farcies

A third way of doing a nice cheap sauce and use what was left of the previous day's ingredients. It migh look long, but the sauce was actually prepared long before the pasta finished to cook. So instead of waiting useless in the kitchen, do a sauce ! Estimated price around £2.50 (wine cost a lot but I used only 1/4 of a bottle) for three people (Mat, Sebastian and me).

Put the water to boil in the kettle
Take 2 spoons of crême fraîche, a glass or two of milk and about 50g of blue cheese (if you use the Danish blue from Tesco's, be careful, it is quite a strong taste) in little pieces. Add some cornflower and mix. Pour in a pot and let warm lightly on the gas.

Aside, cut one onion in small bits, put in in the pan, quick at start and then quite slow once the onions start getting some colours, cut a green pepper, put in in the same pan.

Add some spices in the sauce (I added Espelette chili, pepper and salt). Make sure it does not boil.

By then the pasta must be cooking. You have nothing to do, just cut some parsley to be added in the sauce right at the end and open a bottle of white wine. Drink some and pour a bit of it in the sauce and in the pan. Wait.

Once the pasta is ready, boil the sauce if you have not done it (be careful milk rises quickly and it should not).

Serve with the tomatoes left from 2 days ago that you warmed in the microwave.

While the sauce is cooking, taste it and add cheese, and spices or wine according to your taste.
The cornflower is there to make it thicker. But it only works after you boiled it.

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