vendredi, octobre 13, 2006

Agneau en boule servi avec pâtes et chou-fleur nappés d'une sauce moutarde

Again, an improvised meal. It happens so often. A wee look in the fridge gave the following results : we have crême fraîche, 2 tomatoes, and mustard and some white wine. Look elsewhere : shallots, pasta and eggs. Great, let's do some thing with that.
Go to Morrison's, see 250g of lamb for 45p, well, we will do meat balls. Buy some frozen cauliflower.
Overall cost of the meal £2.50 roughly.

Put about 30g of butter in a pan and 6 small shallots cut in fine bits in it. Small fire. Add a glass of white wine in it. It start already to smell damn good.

Put 2 pots with water in them, one for cauliflower, the other for pasta (although both could theoretically cook in the same).

While all these is getting ready. Take 4 yolks and mix them with 3 teaspoons of mustard (with grains, it is better). You just found by accident a lemon, put the lemon juice in there as well. Mix well, put in a pot and add the shallots plus butter and wine in the mixture. Put the pot on small fire. Add 100g of crême fraîche and some milk to have a liquid but not too much sauce. Add salt and pepper.

Use the shallots pan to cook your tomatoes cut in 12 bits each. Cook fast and not for long. Once they look like being cooked, put the tomatoes in the sauce.

take the lamb mince meat and do little balls that you form in the white of the eggs (that helps keeping them in one ball). Put the meat in the pan that used to have the shallots and the tomatoes. Cook small or medium fire. Get rid of the fat from time to time.

As some point you must cook the pasta and the cauli flower in boiling water.

Serve everything when it is ready.

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